Configure Mascot Server 3.0 to Write Results in DAT (dat28) Format

With the release of Mascot Server 3.0, Matrix Science has implemented a new file format, Mascot Search Results (MSR), which is the new default file format (an SQLite file). Mascot Server can still  be configured to write DAT files, but your server/systems administrator or IT staff will need to make a configuration change on the server.

There are two ways to achieve this with Mascot Server 3.0 and write the results as DAT (*.dat) files (dat28 format).

1. Export the results in Mascot DAT format from the Protein Family Summary report. The export script ( automatically converts MSR to DAT (dat28). This step can be scripted to export a batch of files

2. Enable the compatibility option AlwaysCreateDat28ResultsFile in the Configuration Editor. This option is documented in chapter 6 of the Installation & Setup manual

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